While adult movies often take the center stage in educating young men and women about anything related to sex, it is highly debatable whether everything we see in porn movies actually elevates pleasure in real life. All the men out there who have been wondering how to show their women a good time in bed, pay heed. There are lots of things you can do to satisfy women in bed, and they aren’t always complicated or high-strung. What women want is simple – for you to give her a night she will always remember.
5 Things Every Woman Wants In Bed
Things women wish men would know about them include their favorite place to eat, what movies to watch on a gloomy day, and what every woman wants in bed. It isn’t a lot to ask for, just the basic prerequisite to cheering up your girlfriend or wife and strengthening your bond.
But we admit it can get a little confusing to keep track, so to make things a little simpler for you, we’re explaining 5 things women want men to do in bed:
1. The right rhythm is divine
It is not a stretch to call sex ‘divine’. With the right rhythm, it is divine. When a woman wants a man, she wants the right balance of gentle and passionate movements. She wants you to understand her pace, and treat her body with respect. You might be all in for hard and fast lovemaking, but is that what your partner likes? Every woman wants her man to set the rhythm which keeps her in an orgasmic zone. Finding the right rhythm that suits both of you can be a challenge, but with practice and communication, you can get there. The right pace is a steady pace that is enjoyable for both.
2. Verbal contact
Sex is not just about actions. Don’t you like it when the woman you are having sex with moans and makes noises? Women feel the same way. Sometimes what women want is validation. So why not give it to them? If you’re quiet about what you want and what you don’t like, she will never know how to please you. And in her endeavor to make sure you’re having a good time, she will feel insecure and not enjoy herself. It can all get very messy and confusing. Just the way your actions get validated by her moans during sex, your grunts and subtle ‘this is great’ turn her on as well. Be open with her and let her know how she makes you feel. Without this communication, a woman may feel like she isn’t good enough for you in bed.
3. Our clit can be stimulated during sex
The same goes for our nipples and other sensitive areas. It is statistically proven that a woman’s clitoris needs to be stimulated for her to climax. Stimulation can do what simple penetration cannot. Remember that good sex is one that is pleasurable for both partners. So, go ahead and do what every woman wants in bed – arouse in the best, most gentle way possible. It might be a wise choice to include sex toys during sex. This does not in any way imply that you’re not good enough to make her orgasm. It is about giving your woman what she needs.
4. Keeping an eye contact
While foreplay and rubbing and biting have their place, I believe eye contact is quite underrated. Eye contact connects you with your partner in a heightened emotional way. Don’t you feel the tingly butterflies in your stomach when someone looks deep into your eyes? Well, that effect gets heightened manifold if you maintain eye contact during an act as intimate as sex. To augment your sexual experiences, master the art of eye contact. Look into her eyes to ensure she is feeling loved and appreciated in every way possible. Things women wish men would understand is how the little non-verbal cues go a long way in making a session fierier. Passionate eyes and subtle smirks turn women on faster than any sex toy you can find in the market.
5. Lots and lots of foreplay
You cannot have enough of it. Women get warmed up a bit slower than men do, so you need to keep the foreplay as good and long as she needs to be ready for intercourse. Turning up the foreplay time makes the intercourse last longer as well. The sex gets so much better when she is as aroused as you are and also, dripping wet. I had a friend confess to me that she actually enjoys the foreplay more than the sex itself because it empowers her and makes her feel more confident of her body. Indulge in whatever kinks she wants to experiment with, without feeling embarrassed. Bring on all the costumes and props, and get into character. If you want to make your woman happy in bed, don’t skimp on the foreplay. These are the top 5 things women want men to do in bed, without having to constantly voice it out. So, go out of your way and surprise your woman by showing her the time of her life. Throw sex toys and foreplay in the mix, tell her how amazing she makes you feel in bed, and you will have her asking for more.